Mental Fitness
Track your mental growth because when the pressure comes on, we fall back on our habits. Habits are developed by repetitions just like muscles. LOOP2 is your personal trainer for character development

Any skill you have ever learned was learnt by repetitions. LOOP2 gamifies the process of helping you develop into the person you want to become

More Energy
With our intuitive FOCUS point selection, we help you find meaning in everyday life. Giving you the energy to snowball momentum in the direction you want to go

LOOP2 app
We built V1 with the resources that we had after our fancy MVP didn't work as planned. You're here now on the ground floor of what we think is the future of sustainable positive growth!

Personailsed hype videos
Customise your profile page and focus points with youtube links that resonates specifically with you. There is also an option to create a personalised mindset videos with one of the founders

Enterprise package to refocus team and employees on your vision
We can offer whitelable services for B2B clients to where you and the team have your own place to offer up challenges and focus on all things personal and business in a gamifed way. Develop a robust culture in your business with LOOP2
Uplift your fellow LOOPERS
All of your LOOPS will be counted and never forgotten. So spend the time to create meaningful focus points, get your daily repetitions in and LOOP away to log your wins in life. You have the power to support your friends and network with our challenges feature and referral programmes

Just like at the gym, you don’t see results without putting in the reps. Same goes for your mind. Every positive LOOP counts. All you need to do is commit 1% every time you need to. 1% is nothing, but it compounds like crazy!

Create meaningful
Focus points
Shadow work is seeing what you can’t see. It wont take you long with our ai assistant helping you with creative wording to make sure the new habits stick.

Deep Focus
When you attach your reasons WHY, to what you want to do, you unleash intrinsic motivation. l
Less Stress
When you make a mental habit of ZOOMING OUT in moments where you didn’t have the awareness. Life stops getting in your way and you take the drivers seat in the moment.
Uplift a
Imagine if everyone knew how to find patience when they need it, or excitement when they want it. They can use perspective to find energy and see things from multiple angles.

The LOOPING protocol
Catch yourself in the moment
Think a positive thought you wouldn’t normally think
LOOP it enough times until you don’t even have to think about it
Rinse and repeat
Play the long game

Send a Challenge
Challenge your friends, family or partner to make looping a team effort. Whether you want to challenge your partner to spend more quality time with you and the kids, or you want to challenge your friend to having an icebath every morning. Its up to you to SEND IT

Community leaderboard
Draw energy from our fellow loopers, we are all in it together to uplift a generation. Get on the leaderboard today!

Banking Focus
Learn how to track your focus to realise your progress with our points system. Often this gets overlooked and stops us from unlocking more potential

Deep Focus Skills
Our intuitive way of finding focus points allows you to ‘play with’ deeper and more meaningful ideas.

Mind Blocks
See what they are and have the ability to chip away at them. Play the long game
Here is a list of LOOP2 suite of creative mind tools

This App has been a game-changer for me. We may all know what it takes to achieve our goals and keep our head in the game, but distractions, doubts and niggles pop up all the time and take us off track and away from that winning mindset. That’s life! But this App has helped me stay focussed and in the right headspace.
I love that I can choose my Focus Points, my Why’s, Quotes that I love and everything I know I need (and stuff I didn’t!) to keep me on track and feeling like a winner. Cause that’s when the magic happens!


Absolutely fizzing! I have been using the Loop2 app for a week now and have already found a massive shift in energy, patience and attitude.
My main focus for getting the app was to gain a better understanding of myself to further my success in life that being my relationships with my husband, kids and those around me, finding more balance and to stress less.
By using the app in the morning to set me up for the day, throughout and before I go to bed I’m reminded about the good things in life and where I want to be. This app is user friendly and doesn’t take up a lot of time which is key when you are a parent and always short on time.
Life is for living and if you want something to help you reach a new goal wether personal or professional or you just want to fizz even more than usual then this is a great place to start.


I am absolutely fizzing! I used to be controlled by how I feel every day, trying to achieve a goal without a consistent plan or focus. I would make a huge goal and expect myself to change every habit I had overnight, failing over and over again and becoming disheartened.
Since I have started looping I have felt a huge shift in my thought processes and because looping is so fun and engaging I keep wanting to go back on the app and do my loops instead of endless doom scrolling on socials. I am confident that small and consistent change will always win and if you have fun doing it then it doesnt feel like work at all. I love the feature of adding personal videos to each focus point to really amplify the meaning! I have a focus point which is a clear image of who I want to be and every time I loop I remind myself of this amazing person and find myself making small changes and decisions to become like her.